10 To-Do’s in the Sauna to Improve the Benefits

Look, its not a mystery that a lot of the blue-zones in the world, are heavy sauna users. It is great for mitochondrial health, longevity, fat loss and so much more. Now with technology there has bene the invention of infrared, all different types and there are reasons to be confused as to which is better. Rest assured, you need to use proper precaution, make sure you don’t get too hot, dehydrated, or to lose consciousness. Without further a due, here are some things you can add to your sauna routine to get some added benefits.

10 things to do in the sauna to improve the benefits 

1. LT33 Breathing Technique

2. Box Breathing Technique

3. Talk to other people in there

3. Squats

4. Push-ups

5. Dips

6. Mountain Climbers

7. Down Dog & Up Dog

8. Lateral Lunges

9. Turn off your WiFi and Bluetooth

10. Write a short article that provides value for people who use the sauna 

All it takes is 15minutes, 3-7x per week and you can see some serious benefits! Take care!

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