Living a Limitless Lifestyle starts with knowing what your working with…
When it comes to your health, the answers are in your genes.
For a long time getting to the bottom of these answers was impossible, but not anymore!
Your DNA tells a story. You can gain insight into your genetics and how they impact your health. You may simply want to know what role your genes play in digestive health, how well your body copes with the stress of physical activity; how environmental factors affect your body and uncover how your genetics and lifestyle impact your health.
Gene SNP’s deliver answers exclusively about you, your body and your lifestyle. You have the tool; use it. No more guesswork; get the facts.

No two people have the same fingerprint. Like our fingerprints, our genetic variations are unique identifiers which make us different from every other person. It’s the variations in genes that make us who we are. From our gender; the color of our hair, eyes and skin; the types of foods that work best with our bodies; and even the type of exercise designed to maximize our individual performance, our genes are the instruction manual for the creation and maintenance of our bodies.
Our genes are composed of combinations of protein bases. While there are only four possible bases, they can be combined in billions of ways to code for countless functions in the body. These four bases make up the DNA alphabet and combine to form words and phrases that give instructions to your body for everything from how your cells function to the color of your hair. Sometimes, when cells in the body replicate to make new cells, mistakes are made. By changing just one letter or just one base, the gene now has a totally new meaning and function. These variations are called single nucleotide polymorphisms (or SNPs).
These small variations in DNA are expressed in many ways. They can influence how we metabolize food and what types of exercise are best suited for our bodies. By identifying our own unique gene variations, we can customize lifestyle approaches and nutritional supplementation to maximize our genetic potential promoting optimal health never before achieved.

Obviously, genetics plays a crucial role in how our bodies grow and age, especially when it comes to our hormones, neurotransmitters and diet. In combination, they have an impact on our stress and sleep response. According to current research, nearly 70 percent of office visits today and a large percentage of prescriptions today are to help manage sleep and emotional liability.
Some of these responses are a result of genetics. Variations in our genetic code can have both positive and negative effects on how our bodies manage stress and hormones. For example, one particular gene variation, BDNF, plays a role in comfort food eating and decreased learning, while another, HTR2311, codes for poor response to pharmaceutical intervention to support a healthy mental outlook.

A recent identification of obesity predisposing genes that are highly expressed in the brain raises the possibility of their genetic contribution to depression. Multiple variations contribute to polygenic obesity and may contribute to depression. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive problems or reduced energy may also be present. Most likely you don’t know if you have these gene variations, which means you don’t know what actions you can take to help maintain your optimal health. |
Have you gotten your DNA tested? Are you thinking that you should now?! I concur! If you have further questions, contact me! Limitless Love! DFoss | Limitless Theory |