DFoss: 3 Favorite Low-Impact Cardio Exercises

What’s good y’all DFoss here I wanted to share with you some of my key tricks to improving my cardiovascular health without the high impact stress of things like running….

So I just finished a two and a half mile rollerblading session with my 20 pound pack on, which is key tip number one. If you’re doing anything on land, you add some extra weight and farmer’s carries you add a pack that will automatically increase cardiovascular output.

But my three favorite forms of low impact cardiovascular training are going to be number one rollerblading, that’s my favorite.

 I love to be out in the sun. I love to be out in the streets and go wherever I want.

Number two is swimming. I love to be underwater. You can’t have a pack on but you can practice long breath diving, which is huge.

And number three would be the bike. No real benefit to adding the pack but bike is a great way to get that lower body moving without the impact.

Watch the full video!