Living a Limitless Lifestyle starts with knowing what your working with…

When it comes to your health, the answers are in your genes.
For a long time getting to the bottom of these answers was impossible, but not anymore!

Your DNA tells a story. You can gain insight into your genetics and how they impact your health. You may simply want to know what role your genes play in digestive health, how well your body copes with the stress of physical activity; how environmental factors affect your body and uncover how your genetics and lifestyle impact your health.

Gene SNP’s deliver answers exclusively about you, your body and your lifestyle. You have the tool; use it. No more guesswork; get the facts. 

There are genetics and epi-genetics. Epi-genetics are the ones that change and become more or less prominent based on lifestyle factors. Your eyes are blue, that is hard to change but can we change predisposition to certain biological ailments?

No two people have the same fingerprint. Like our fingerprints, our genetic variations are unique identifiers which make us different from every other person. It’s the variations in genes that make us who we are. From our gender; the color of our hair, eyes and skin; the types of foods that work best with our bodies; and even the type of exercise designed to maximize our individual performance, our genes are the instruction manual for the creation and maintenance of our bodies.

Our genes are composed of combinations of protein bases. While there are only four possible bases, they can be combined in billions of ways to code for countless functions in the body. These four bases make up the DNA alphabet and combine to form words and phrases that give instructions to your body for everything from how your cells function to the color of your hair. Sometimes, when cells in the body replicate to make new cells, mistakes are made. By changing just one letter or just one base, the gene now has a totally new meaning and function. These variations are called single nucleotide polymorphisms (or SNPs).

These small variations in DNA are expressed in many ways. They can influence how we metabolize food and what types of exercise are best suited for our bodies. By identifying our own unique gene variations, we can customize lifestyle approaches and nutritional supplementation to maximize our genetic potential promoting optimal health never before achieved.

Obviously, genetics plays a crucial role in how our bodies grow and age, especially when it comes to our hormones, neurotransmitters and diet.  In combination, they have an impact on our stress and sleep response.  According to current research, nearly 70 percent of office visits today and a large percentage of prescriptions today are to help manage sleep and emotional liability.

Some of these responses are a result of genetics. Variations in our genetic code can have both positive and negative effects on how our bodies manage stress and hormones. For example, one particular gene variation, BDNF, plays a role in comfort food eating and decreased learning, while another, HTR2311, codes for poor response to pharmaceutical intervention to support a healthy mental outlook.

 A recent identification of obesity predisposing genes that are highly expressed in the brain raises the possibility of their genetic contribution to depression. Multiple variations contribute to polygenic obesity and may contribute to depression.  Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, aches, pains, digestive problems or reduced energy may also be present. Most likely you don’t know if you have these gene variations, which means you don’t know what actions you can take to help maintain your optimal health.
Have you gotten your DNA tested?

Are you thinking that you should now?!

I concur!

If you have further questions, contact me!
Limitless Love!
DFoss | Limitless Theory

Essential Beauty Tip & Nutrition That You Wouldn’t Find at Any Beauty Corner!

Hey LT Tribe,
DFoss here to share a bit of information with you about the ALL mighty and ALL inclusive EnergyBits.
If you are looking for the newest insider beauty tip, you won’t find it at any beauty counter! In fact, you may not even know about this amazing beauty solution (yet), but it’s the oldest one on earth – its algae! Algae extracts have been in expensive skin creams for decades, but thanks to ENERGYbits®, you can now enjoy all the nutrients and allthe benefits found in algae, not just a few of them!

Algae tablets are so effortless and nutrient-dense you’ll wonder how you and your skin ever lived without them. That’s because what you put in your body affects your skin more than what you put on it. Keep reading to learn why algae tablets are “bits of beauty food” and beauty insurance you don’t want to live without!
Algae Tablets: Your One-Stop-Shop for Beauty
Algae Boosts Collagen
Collagen has many important functions, including improving skin, joints and bones. But your own collagen production decreases with age, so it’s important to add something like algae if you want  lasting health and beauty. While collagen powder has recently become popular, it is unfortunately made from thousands of melted-down animal remains, chemicals and synthetic ingredients, none of which are good for you or the environment. That’s why BEAUTYbits® spirulina algae tablets are a better solution. Not only do BEAUTYbits® tablets contain more collagen than collagen powders, they are unprocessed, have one ingredient, are plant-based, sustainable, and provide a toxin-free source of collagen that is effortless and safe. Algae gives your skin and earth the love they deserve!

Algae Boosts Hair & Nail Health

Healthy nails and hair never go out of style, but a diet lacking the proper nutrients and vitamins can cause weakness and breakage. Luckily, you can  fix both of these issues with the dense nutrition found in spirulina algae! It’s packed with 64% protein, healthy fats, and over 40+ vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12. BEAUTYbits® help keep your nails and hair smooth, strong, and healthy for that perfect polished look all year long! Now that’s what we call effortless beauty!

Algae Prevents Sun Damage

BEAUTYbits® spirulina also helps protect your skin from harmful sun exposure! Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, which naturally absorbs UV rays. Spirulina algae also contains high amounts of flavonoids and chlorophyll, which act as a natural sunscreen due to their ability to absorb UV rays and increase the SPF value. You can ensure you always have sun protection for the beach or poolside by stocking up on some BEAUTYbits® single servings today!

Algae is literally “food for your skin” and nothing in the world nourishes your skin and body like algae. It’s a beauty tip that has stood the test of time and comes straight from Mother Nature. Real beauty starts on the inside with algae! Visit the link below and start your beauty journey today!

If you’re ready to boost your own health, that’s awesome! Visit or click the link below to visit the website, where you can learn more and purchase bags of 1,000 algae tablets.
Don’t forget to… 
use the 20% discount code LIMITLESSTHEORY to enjoy 20% savings on any of our products.

Remember, my 20% DISCOUNT code works on all four algae brands:
RECOVERYbits are chlorella algae
ENERGYbits and BEAUTYbits are spirulina algae and
VITALITYbits are a combination of both spirulina and chlorella algae!
If you have further questions, just email them at

Not ready to purchase a full bag and would prefer to try them out first?
Visit their Amazon Store and get FREE SHIPPING with Prime.

Take life one bit at a time and live LIMITLESS!

Much Love!
DFoss | Limitless Theory

EnergyBits for Fertility and Recovery


Hey LT Tribe,
DFoss here to share a bit of information with you about the ALLmighty and ALL inclusive EnergyBits.

ENERGYbits® and I wants to honor all women, especially our mothers who guide, love, and support us every day! We’d like to love them back by helping take care of them!That’s where algae comes in. Algae tablets are an easy, efficient, science-backed, nutritional solution that provides women with all the energy and nutrients they need to preserve their health, longevity, and beauty. Keep reading to find out why algae tablets are every mom’s best friend.

1. Algae Fills Nutrition Gaps

It’s hard work growing another human! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, many nutrients consumed by moms are redirected to the baby to help with their development. Sadly, our food doesn’t contain the same nutrition it used to, so it’s challenging for moms to get the nutrition they need. But don’t panic. ENERGYbits® algae tablets are an effortless nutrition solution for both mom and baby.

ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets contain all the important vitamins for a child’s development, including iron, vitamins A and B, DHA, choline, and protein. In fact, spirulina’s nutrient and amino acid profile is virtually identical to mother’s milk, which is why it is considered “the other perfect food“. Spirulina is a gift to us from mother nature, and mother knows best!

RECOVERYbits® chlorella tablets contain many of the same vitamins as spirulina and the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world (500 x more than arugula). Chlorophyll nourishes and cleanses your cells, brain, body, and mitochondria. Chlorella also removes toxins, so taking it every day is like giving your body a shower on the inside!

Algae is truly the one-stop shop for you and your child’s nutrition needs!
2. Algae Helps Children Flourish

Did you know that every cell in the human body contains protein?

Proteins help repair cells and create new ones, making it essential for children’s growth and developmentENERGYbits® spirulina contains the highest protein in the world with 64% protein (3x the amount of protein as steak!). Spirulina is also a bioavailable protein which means it is absorbed and utilized almost immediately. Adding algae tablets to your child’s diet means you can sit back and relax knowing their protein needs are met (and yours too!)

3. Algae Helps Mom’s Fertility

Starting a family is not always easy! Although there are many contributing factors regarding fertility, one of the most important is ensuring that we are taking care of our body’s cells. Having lots of healthy mitochondria (an important structure inside cells) is key to having a healthy life and a greater chance of conceiving.

The good news is that we can protect and ensure our mitochondrial health with algae! ENERGYbits® spirulina algae contains the highest and most bioavailable form of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase). SOD is an enzyme and is the most powerful antioxidant that stops free radicals from damaging your mitochondria DNA. By protecting your mitochondria, SOD (superoxide dismutase) helps improve your health, longevity, and even fertility. ENERGYbits® is one of the few algae that contains active SOD. This is because at ENERGYbits® we do NOT use high heat to dry our algae, like virtually all the other algae companies. This is why all the enzymes in our algae, including SOD, are kept alive and intact. SOD is critical for protecting your mitochondria, but is deactivated by high heat.

4. Algae is Mom’s Clean Up Crew

The world is full of toxins that can negatively impact your health, fertility, and your baby’s health. Fortunately, RECOVERYbits® chlorella has mom’s back! Chlorella’s hard cell wall attaches to toxins, safely removing them from your body. It also strengthens your body, brain, and immune system with over forty vitamins and minerals to further improve your health and wellness. With RECOVERYbits®, you can rest easy knowing that your body remains healthy and strong!

No matter where you are in your motherhood journey, ENERGYbits® algae is the perfect way to show yourself or the mom in your life some love!


If you’re ready to boost your own health, that’s awesome!

Visit or click the link below to visit the website, where you can learn more and purchase bags of 1,000 algae tablets.
Don’t forget to… 

use the 20% discount code LIMITLESSTHEORY to enjoy 20% savings on any of our products.

If you have further questions, just email them at

Not ready to purchase a full bag and would prefer to try them out first?
Visit their Amazon Store and get FREE SHIPPING with Prime.

Take life one bit at a time and live LIMITLESS!

Much Love!
DFoss | Limitless Theory


The Transitions Lifestyle System, originally a weight management program for diabetics in the hospital setting, is what taught me the most about nutrition and sparked my love for helping people with their dietary lifestyle. TLS encompasses low-glycemic-impact eating, which is superior for weight loss and long-term health. Through low-glycemic-impact eating, TLS emphasizes key components to get your metabolism operating at optimal levels: fat loss and lean muscle maintenance. TLS Weight-Loss Solution offers multiple low-glycemic-impact menu plans designed to fit your personal weight management and lifestyle goals. When you create new, healthy behaviors, you won’t feel deprived and hungry. Consequently, you’ll never need to diet again.

The food that is convenient and cheap isn’t always what’s best. The quality of food you put into your body is going to determine how successful you are in achieving your weight loss goals and good health for a lifetime. That’s why TLS® Weight Management Solution abides by the principles of low-glycemic eating. A low-glycemic diet consists of fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, along with lean proteins from both meat and dairy sources. A low-glycemic diet also consists of healthy fats from foods such as oils and nuts.


  • Low-glycemic diets may support the body’s sensitivity to insulin
  • Low-glycemic carbohydrates help maintain normal blood sugar levels
  • Low-glycemic carbohydrates may support a healthy heart
  • Low-glycemic diets have been shown to help people lose and control weight
  • Low-glycemic carbohydrates may help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels
  • Low-glycemic diets may help minimize carbohydrate cravings
  • Low-glycemic carbohydrates may help manage hunger and keep you fuller for longer
  • Low-glycemic diets may help minimize energy crashes
  • Low-glycemic carbohydrates might help prolong physical endurance

While changing your eating habits isn’t easy at first, all it takes are some simple changes to start living the low-glycemic lifestyle and reaping its many benefits. Eating low-glycemic is not only helpful in weight loss, but also in reducing a number of health risks that are elevated when we don’t take care of our bodies. Whether you’re a professional on the go, a stay-at-home parent or a university student, low-glycemic-impact eating is designed to fit into and benefit any lifestyle. In this section, you’ll learn more about the combination of glycemic index and glycemic load, and how low-glycemic-impact eating can help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.


In 1981, Dr. David J. Jenkins and a team of researchers at the University of Toronto created the glycemic index to help diabetes patients manage their blood sugar levels. The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system for foods containing carbohydrates, which measures how quickly these foods will cause your blood sugar to rise. Glycemic index is measured on a scale of 1 to 100 (1 being low and 100 being high).While the glycemic index was originally developed for diabetics, you do not have to be diabetic to reap the benefits of low-glycemic eating.


LOW: 0-55

MEDIUM: 56-69


Low-GI foods produce little to no fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels. Foods with a high GI (including things like white rice, potatoes, most breads, cake, candy, popcorn and cookies) rapidly raise blood sugar levels. Why is this important?


Have you ever eaten a food thinking it is healthy because it is low fat, whole grain or low calorie? This can be misleading because it may be all those things but it still breaks down to sugar quickly. If this is true, this food is considered high GIand will raise the body’s blood sugar rapidly, signaling it to store fat.

Controlling the GI of your foods promotes normal blood sugar levels and enables the body to stay in fat-burning mode. By changing your diet and eating low glycemic impact, you will feel energized, alert and productive.


While the glycemic index tells you how a food affects your blood sugar levels, it doesn’t tell you how much of that particular food is in a serving. It is important to take both the glycemic index and glycemic load into consideration to understand the full effect a food has on your blood sugar.

Glycemic load (GL) reflects not only the GI of a food, but also the amount ingested. Each number of the GL is equivalent to 1 gram of carbohydrates from pure glucose.The lower the GL, the smaller the amount of glucose, which is best.


LOW: 0-10

MEDIUM: 11-19


GL is very important because it helps explain some GI ratings that would otherwise be misleading. Let’s look at carrots, for example. Raw carrots are considered a high-GI food even though they are relatively low in carbohydrate and have health benefits. However, carrots have a low GL because it would take almost 750 ml (3 cups) of carrots to equal 50 grams of carbohydrates. Since most people do not eat 3 cups of carrots, enjoying them on your TLS journey is permitted.

Glycemic load paints a more realistic picture of how a food can affect blood sugar/glucose levels by taking into account the glycemic index of foods and their serving size.

When you put both the GI and GL together to come up with a meal plan, you’re on your way to following low-glycemic-impact eating, which helps you choose foods in appropriate amounts and in the correct combinations to support normal blood sugar levels for longer periods of time.




Dietitians and weight-management experts now use the glycemic in- dex as a tool to reduce cravings and appetite, and improve eating habits. Research shows that following a diet designed to keep blood sugar from rising after meals helps keep food from being stored as fat.


Hypoglycemia relates to low blood glucose levels. When the level of glucose — the body’s primary source of energy and fuel — falls too low, your body has insufficient amounts of fuel to function normally. Hypoglycemia or low blood glucose may occur when a person is not eating frequently enough, exercised without the proper nutrient sup- port, or when a diabetic has injected too much insulin.This can lead to extreme fatigue, sluggishness and sometimes damaging symptoms. Hypoglycemia is most commonly treated with diet modification.

Now we know the choice is yours!

Now we know that every choice we make impacts the one there after!

Now we know that we as individuals are in control or as ‘Bruce Almighty’ would say, “I’ve got the power,” and so do you!

Peace, Love and Positivity

DFoss | Limitless Nutrition


Hey LT Tribe,
DFoss here to share a bit of information with you!

What is Algae???

1. Spirulina – “Blue Algae”Spirulina is an energizing and nourishing algae. Spirulina’s high protein (3 x steak), high antioxidants, Omega-3, forty vitamins and minerals help improve hunger, energy, focus, beauty and nutrition. This keto, plant-based food can replace supplements, snacks, protein and sports fuel.

2. Chlorella – “Green Algae”Chlorella is a health and wellness algae. Chlorella’s high chlorophyll (1,000 x greens), high RNA/DNA, high fiber, forty vitamins and minerals remove toxins and help improve immune health, gut health, longevity, and sports recovery. This keto, plant-based food can replace veggies/greens and supplements.

Bits® are tiny “bits of nutrition” made purely of algae, a sustainable whole food crop endorsed by NASA and United Nations as the most nutritionally dense food in the world. Scientific studies have shown that algae’s nutrients improve immune health, gut health, energy, longevity, nutrition and beauty. Algae also replaces your need for veggies.

Swallow or chew a few algae tablets to flood your body with pure, toxin-free nutrition, protein and nutrients you simply can’t get from any other food or supplement. 
If you’re ready to boost your own health, that’s awesome! Visit or click the link below to visit the website, where you can learn more and purchase bags of 1,000 algae tablets.
Don’t forget to… 
use the 20% discount code LIMITLESSTHEORY to enjoy 20% savings on any of our products.

Remember, my 20% DISCOUNT code works on all four algae brands:
RECOVERYbits are chlorella algae
ENERGYbits and BEAUTYbits are spirulina algae and
VITALITYbits are a combination of both spirulina and chlorella algae!


Fusing proper nutrition with additional support for the body isn’t a new concept!

Hey LT Tribe!

I am excited to announce a new collaboration with an amazing company and line of products that is owned and ran by an amazing friend, colleague and client who lives down here in South Florida!

Dr. Shivani Gupta is a pioneer who redefined the health and wellness industry by bridging the gap between ancient and modern medicine. She holds a Ph.D. in Ayurvedic Studies, a 5,000-year-old philosophy that prevents disease and illness through the connection of mind, body, and spirit.

In collaboration with physicians, Shivani developed Fusionary Formulas to increase the potency and efficacy of Ayurvedic herbal medicine. After witnessing the transformation of so many customers—from Crossfit athletes to Baby Boomers—Shivani is delighted to see thousands of people enjoying the benefits of Fusionary Formulas by overcoming chronic pain, reducing inflammation, preventing surgery, and optimizing their health.

Her vision was to fuse Ayurvedic Tradition with Modern Western Science
Fusionary Formulas is an integrative approach that fuses the health benefits of Ayurvedic medicine with western science to optimize your health, harmony and vitality. With this fusion of tradition and science, they curate every ingredient in their bio-active blends to create the most potent turmeric supplements available. They’re proud to be the top turmeric supplement line used by U.S. doctors to support their patients’ health.

They only use medical grade herbal ingredients, expertly blended to optimize your health. Their commitment to manufacturing Fusionary Formulas in the U.S. ensures transparency and the highest ethical standards.

All products are:

Dairy Free

Gluten Free

Soy Free

Nut Free


Click the link below to visit the website and use the 15% discount code LIMITLESS to enjoy 15% savings on any of their products. If you have any questions, just email them at


I look forward to working alongside Dr. Shivani and Fusionary for a long time to come so be on the lookout for upcoming blogs, podcasts and videos! 

See you on the other side, and until then, live LIMITLESS!

Cheers to 2022!
DFoss | Limitless Theory LLC



Hey LT Tribe,

Congratulations on making it to 2022! The start of a new year is a time to revisit and revise habits that may not be serving you. Whatever you chose, algae tablets make it easier to get back on track and stay there. Keep reading to find out why algae can help make this your best year ever!

1. Keep the Stress Away with Algae

Your to-do list will never get done if your stress levels are so high you can’t even start it! Thankfully, ENERGYbits® spirulina algae tablets naturally improve your mood, energy, and focus, as proven by this study. So if you are looking for a way to get a better outlook on life (and who isn’t!), spirulina algae tablets are a fast, easy, effortless, proven way to do it. All from nutrition.

Spirulina algae is a no-brainer that really does help your brain!


Start Shopping Now!

2. Detox and Renew with Algae

Toxins are everywhere, and unfortunately they contribute to illness, inflammation, wrinkles, aging, fatigue and more. Want to prevent all of this? RECOVERYbits® chlorella algae tablets are a safe, gentle, and powerful way to remove toxins and effortlessly protect your health and beauty. Chlorella removes heavy metals, lead, mercury, radiation, and even dead cells! That’s why doctors, dentists, and even the United Nations have used chlorella for decades. Take RECOVERYbits® every day to give your body a “shower from the inside.”

3. Improve Your Energy and Performance with Algae

Did the hectic pace of holidays rob you of your energy? Want an easy way to get it back? Just include ENERGYbits® spirulina tablets and RECOVERYbits® chlorella tablets in your daily diet and you’ll see results immediately! Spirulina helps replenish and reboot your energy, and chlorella pulls out toxins and lactic acid so you can rebound and recover after your workout. This is the year to flow and grow! Move your body effortlessly with the help of Bits®!

4. Keep Cravings At Bay with Algae

Did you know that when your body craves something, it might be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency? The best defense against cravings is ensuring you are already giving your body the nutrients it needs with the most nutrient-dense food in the world. ENERGYbits® algae tablets! Taking algae has been proven to reduce cravings, boost metabolism, balance blood sugar, and even satisfy hunger. Algae works hard, so you don’t have to!

Whatever your New Year’s resolutions, if you want to try a healthier, more sustainable way of living, algae can help. To learn more, visit our January blog on the website. There is nothing better, safer, easier, more natural or healthier than Bits®. Happy BitsYear!

Click the link below to visit the website and use the 20% discount code LIMITLESSTHEORY to enjoy 20% savings on any of our products. If you have any questions, just email them at

Start Shopping Now!

If you’re ready to boost your own health, that’s awesome! Visit where you can learn more and purchase bags of 1,000 algae tablets. Don’t forget to type… 

“LimitlessTheory” in the coupon box when you check out at My 20% DISCOUNT code works on all four algae brands: RECOVERYbits are chlorella algae, ENERGYbits and BEAUTYbits are spirulina algae and VITALITYbits are a combination of both spirulina and chlorella algae!

Not ready to purchase a full bag and would prefer to try them out first?

Visit their Amazon Store and get FREE SHIPPING with Prime.

See you on the other side, and until then, live LIMITLESS!

Happy New Year!

DFoss | Limitless Theory LLC


WELL… lets start here, when you can, do NOT wear shoes/sneakers for your workouts!


Natural Foot splaying, sensory information, grounding, natural exfoliation, low back pain, stronger/higher arches, etc…

Check out the barefoot article here (COMING SOON)!

But… if you have to, this is what I recommend. I have been searching for the most efficient, comfortable, minimalistic, and natural footwear in the market for cross training for 4-5 years. I have spent far to much money on my search and I have finally come to a couple conclusions, aka, products or sneakers that I really do find comfortable and functional.

Here are my conclusions.

MetCons are too wide stream, stiff and the heel is my opinion is a little too high, on top of the fact that they are expensive.

Vivo’s are too exclusive and may not always provide the best cross training support but with flat bottoms and wide toe boxes they are still a great choice.

Merrell’s are functional and outdoor friendly but not cute for wearing elsewhere, they also don’t appeal to my color schemes. They have wide toe boxes and Vibram soles with great grip which means they can definitely get the job done.

Vibram soles are a great option when made apart of any shoe! Another company that uses the Vibram bottoms are select New Balance editions.

New Balance minimus are great, they can be worn as your mid day running errands shoes and are super well designed for cross training with lateral heel support, awesome grip, a wide toe box and almost entirely flat bottoms. Overall, they can do a lot of good for your foot, ankle and every joint up the chain, improving your body and biomechanics.

Some reeboks are known to be too stiff (Crossfit) but the nano’s are typically less stiff and great cross training shoes. They are well supported and get lots of good reviews. These much like the MetCon’s can be overpriced.

All in all, the New Balance get my overall approval from a price, functionality, sole, comfortability and aesthetic look perspective. Everyone has their favorite and preference based on many factors but functionality is overall the most important, lets not forget that. With that being said, when you can… go barefoot!

The Benefits of Personal Training

During exercise, our brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, are released, naturally reducing stress. The data is indisputable — people who are physically fit and exercise regularly have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and make fewer visits to the doctor. People who exercise also improve their ability to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. How you perceive your body impacts how you feel about yourself overall. It may sound odd, but if you spend the energy to workout, you will have more energy as a result. Speaking of energy, the best personal trainer will help you use food as fuel to have better workouts, better muscle strength, better functional strength, and that trim and toned body you are hoping for. All in all, taking the initiative of investing in personal training is probably one of the most valuable health decisions you will make. You can use time to make money, but you can’t use money to buy more time! That’s why having someone to hold you accountable, tell you what to do, improve the state of current injuries and reduce the chance of new ones will save you time from learning yourself, time from missing work and money from future health expenses that come as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Now with that being said put your trust, future and money in the hands of a certified fitness professional who understands how to craft a holistic and effective plan for you – whether you want to workout at home, a park or a fitness facility. Learn more at

  1. Accountability and Motivation
  2. Fresh and Up To Date Perspectives on Fitness and Nutrition
  3. Efficiently Timed Workouts
  4. Personalized Programming of Exercises for Your Specific Needs
  5. Reduce Risk of Injury with Proper Form Coaching
  6. Achieving Planned Benchmarks and Monitoring Results
  7. Have Fun Exercising
  8. Receive Effective Nutritional/Lifestyle Tips 
  9. More Rapid Results

Magnesium Matters

Are you getting complete nutrient support?

With the power of nutraMetrix Magnesium and the amazing Isotonix delivery system you can support your health in the best way. This gluten-free and vegetarian form of magnesium provides 100% of the recommended daily value in a highly absorbable formula. By using optimal forms of magnesium like place and eat and citrate, nutraMetrix Magnesium is an ideal product that’s gentle on the stomach but still gives you the ability to maintain proper energy and blood sugar levels while improving sleep quality. The best part is it taste delicious so make sure to enjoy yourself and improve your health by adding nutraMetrix Magnesium to your daily regimen of self-love at….