Outline: DFoss discussed shoulder impingement and its connection to limited mobility and flexibility in the muscles between the shoulder blade and ribcage. He emphasized that when these muscles are tight, it can lead to overcompensation by the biceps and deltoid, making overhead pushing movements difficult. DeVos stressed the importance of prioritizing thoracic extension, rotation, and mobility to address this issue.
Hey what’s up y’all! DFoss here I’m going to talk about shoulder impingement really quickly. The shoulder is a very complex muscle. I’ve done a recent video that talked about learning what your shoulder looks like learn your anatomy, learn your rotator cuff. A very on notice thing, I believe, is that when people have shoulder impingement, it’s typically a result of you having very limited mobility and flexibility through the tissues that connect your ribcage to your scapula.
So when we push over ahead, and we hit a certain point, in which our shoulder blade can no longer separate itself from the ribcage what happens is we extend through the ribcage and when we extend through the ribcage, we go into this hyperextension of the lower back. So we are tricking our brain and our mind and our body usually just ourselves into thinking that we’re getting full range of motion through the shoulder.

But what’s actually happening is your bicep and your deltoid are trying to over compensate for the lack of mobility that happens between or flexibility between your shoulder blade and your ribcage. So you have your lats, your serratus anterior, your obliques, your pectoralis fascia, and your subscapularis all working against you pressing overhead right so we want to be able to push and maintain that amount of contraction in our upper abdomen so that we have full extension overhead.
We want those biceps by our ears. This is a very common thing that we see all the time. And if you can’t get that shoulder to extend without the ribcage following, then you should probably not be doing overhead pushing movements. You need to prioritize thoracic extension, thoracic rotation, mobility and flexibility through these muscles and this group of muscles that prevent you from being able to do so.
Stay tuned for more videos on how you can actually do that what exercises will help you.