Streamlined Workout Templates: Simplifying Your Fitness Routine for the New Year


  • Introduction to a straightforward three-day workout routine suitable for beginners
  • Day 1 focuses on lower body exercises like squats, lunges, and calf raises
  • Day 2 emphasizes pulling exercises such as deadlifts, back extensions, and pull-ups
  • Day 3 involves pushing exercises like bench presses, chest flies, and push-ups
  • Importance of consistency and simplicity in establishing a workout routine
  • Tips provided for proper form, technique, and balancing muscle groups
  • Addressing shoulder impingement with explanations and recommended exercises
  • Encouragement for readers to start their fitness journey and reach out for further assistance

Hey, everyone! DFoss here, and today I want to discuss a straightforward approach to crafting your own workout routine, perfect for those gearing up for the new year. Let’s keep it simple, shall we?

For three days a week, let’s break it down into lower body, pushing, and pulling exercises. This routine might not be my favorite, but it’s a great starting point for anyone looking to establish a consistent workout regimen. With this template, you’ll be able to target all the essential muscle groups effectively.

Let’s delve into the details. We’re looking at three circuits per workout, each consisting of three exercises. Complete three rounds of each circuit for optimal results. So, if we were to put a number to it, it’s 3-3-3: three days a week, three circuits each day, and three exercises per circuit.


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First up, let’s focus on the lower body. Our legs are crucial, and we need to train them bilaterally as well as unilaterally. The primary movements of the legs involve bending at the knees, hinging at the hips, and flexing and extending at the ankle joint. So, incorporate variations of squats, lunges, lateral lunges, and calf raises into your routine.

Moving on to pulling exercises, deadlifts are a key component. They engage numerous back muscles, so they’re best reserved for back day. Supplement deadlifts with back extensions, pull-ups, and single-arm rows to target different areas of the back effectively.

Now, let’s discuss pushing movements. These exercises involve horizontal and overhead pushing motions. Bench presses, chest flies, push-ups, and dips are excellent choices to work the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Don’t forget to include exercises like front raises and lateral raises to specifically target the deltoid muscles.

If you’re unsure about certain exercises or whether they’re suitable for you, especially if you have shoulder impingement issues, I recommend watching my video on the topic before proceeding. It’s essential to prioritize safety and injury prevention.

Remember, the goal is consistency and gradual progression. Mix up your exercises regularly to keep challenging your muscles and avoid plateaus. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll achieve your fitness goals.

Let me know if you found this helpful, and if you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to living healthy and strong!

DFoss: 3 Favorite Low-Impact Cardio Exercises

What’s good y’all DFoss here I wanted to share with you some of my key tricks to improving my cardiovascular health without the high impact stress of things like running….

So I just finished a two and a half mile rollerblading session with my 20 pound pack on, which is key tip number one. If you’re doing anything on land, you add some extra weight and farmer’s carries you add a pack that will automatically increase cardiovascular output.

But my three favorite forms of low impact cardiovascular training are going to be number one rollerblading, that’s my favorite.

 I love to be out in the sun. I love to be out in the streets and go wherever I want.

Number two is swimming. I love to be underwater. You can’t have a pack on but you can practice long breath diving, which is huge.

And number three would be the bike. No real benefit to adding the pack but bike is a great way to get that lower body moving without the impact.

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