Exercise and Movement – The Concept of 3 I’s -Isolate, Integrate, and Innovate

You can ISOLATE any nerve, muscle, joint, muscle group and region of the body or the whole body into any POSITION… Mastering each one then allows you to INTEGRATE them, perhaps now you master multiple body POSITIONS to make a PATTERN or a “FLOW”

This then allows you to INNOVATE and put together POSITIONS, PATTERNS, movements and flows much like a freestyle rapper puts together a verse I say all of that to say this, their is a logical progression to everything and you must FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS, only then can you master each phase of the end goal and EXPRESS PHYSICAL FREEDOM.

So another really awesome concept is the 3I’s. Now the 3I’s are isolate integrate and innovate. Now, I stole those from Ido Portal. If you know Ido Portal, It’s all about human movement and the ability to have control over every single joint muscle in your body. And you isolate each joint, each position that you might find yourself and you isolate every muscle, then you can integrate them together to make a movement to have multiple patterns that flow together. And ultimately, you perform all of those positions and patterns.

So well together, that you can now innovate in the innovation part part is just like the idea of being on the basketball court and being able to read the defense and go between the legs behind the back your step sake, the past finished with the left right all of that is things that you’ve done separately. Now you integrate them together, you’ve isolated those moves, you integrate them together, and then you innovate as you need to because of the reactionary ability that you’ve gained. To have control. Second handers? Subconsciously, right. 

Muscle memory is what we would call it, but realistically, it’s understanding movement and just breaking it down into isolated movements or positions, or patterns. And then you’re taking those patterns and positions and you integrate them together. And then you are able to innovate in the moment on top of those. 


So I'm going to give you some examples. Watch the next video.

My Favorite Mini-band Exercises

Here’s one of my favorite warmups with the mini bands consists of five movements, you’re gonna do each movement for 10 reps

You’re gonna do three rounds as quickly but as effectively as you can. So you’re going to start with the band around your wrist, fingers or spread. You’re pushing out in front from the chest, almost like a chest press.

You’re gonna go for 10 Once you get there, you’re going to raise and go down across thighs,10 nodes here as well. Then you’re gonna go overhead. I’m going to take a nice you can see what I’m doing here. We’re going to create that tension to ride the elbows down as if you’re doing a lat pulldown.

And then after 10 of those, you’re going to go palms up, we’re gonna go for external rotation, call these the end up no monies. And lastly, you’re going arrow. You’re extending one arm, you’re pulling across the chest. You’ll do 10 on each side. You can try let me know what you think.

Give it a shot before your next upper body workout or add it in wherever you see fit 💪🏼

Let me know what you think 💭