The Concept of 3 I’s – Integrate

Learn to Integrate Positions and Make Patterns: Bear Crawl Position + Under Switch Pattern Into Crab Walk Postion = INTEGRATION

The concept revolves around calisthenics and bodyweight movement. It emphasizes isolating positions found in everyday crawling patterns, such as bear crawls. By focusing on mastering isolated positions, like driving the knee and tapping, or transitioning between bear crawl and crab positions, one can achieve better control and efficiency. The approach aims to eliminate the need for regression in movements and encourages a systematic breakdown into starting, transitional, and secondary positions. The ultimate goal is to gain immense control over the body, allowing for innovation and improvement in performance. Watch the next video for insights on evaluating performance and initiating innovation.

Because this is a concept that is founded in the world of calisthenics and bodyweight movement, I want to start off with the idea of isolating a position that we find in a every day crawling pattern.

And so if we do bear crawls, if you’re familiar with me, you definitely know bear crawls. Right? You’re isolating a position to get better at it. So if you want to do a play, and you want to get better at bear crawls, they don’t necessarily translate. So why don’t we get better at holding this isolated position? Right, and then we can possibly integrate some moves into that we can drive the knee and tap, drive the knee and tap bone back and forth. Maybe we move hand and foot and we feel back and forth.

Bear crawl movement

 Maybe we just isolate one side, so we get better at it and then ultimately, you can add other moves, I can isolate a crab position, and I can touch and such and such but then I want to translate a transition into a bear crawl. Well, I’m going to integrate the bear crawl position and the crab position by doing other patterns. That gets me there. And I can do both sides to go back and forth. Right. And so ultimately, we gain this immense control of our body because we don’t necessarily have to regress a movement we have to break down like anything. Any movement in the world in the body in space is broken down into a starting position. A transitional movement into a secondary position and a transitional movement back into that starting position.

Now there’s different nuances within there, but those four main parts, get better at those. Stop having to regret some try these crazy different things to get you there. Just understand that there are positions that you can isolate, there are positions patterns that you can isolate, and multiple positions together is integration of to make a pattern. And now you take those patterns and you get better at performing and performing and performing them to the point where your efficiency is so set like subconsciously done. Now you can innovate on top of that. Make sure to watch the next video to really start to understand why and how you can know if your performance is good enough to begin innovation.

Exercise and Movement – The Concept of 3 I’s -Isolate, Integrate, and Innovate

You can ISOLATE any nerve, muscle, joint, muscle group and region of the body or the whole body into any POSITION… Mastering each one then allows you to INTEGRATE them, perhaps now you master multiple body POSITIONS to make a PATTERN or a “FLOW”

This then allows you to INNOVATE and put together POSITIONS, PATTERNS, movements and flows much like a freestyle rapper puts together a verse I say all of that to say this, their is a logical progression to everything and you must FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS, only then can you master each phase of the end goal and EXPRESS PHYSICAL FREEDOM.

So another really awesome concept is the 3I’s. Now the 3I’s are isolate integrate and innovate. Now, I stole those from Ido Portal. If you know Ido Portal, It’s all about human movement and the ability to have control over every single joint muscle in your body. And you isolate each joint, each position that you might find yourself and you isolate every muscle, then you can integrate them together to make a movement to have multiple patterns that flow together. And ultimately, you perform all of those positions and patterns.

So well together, that you can now innovate in the innovation part part is just like the idea of being on the basketball court and being able to read the defense and go between the legs behind the back your step sake, the past finished with the left right all of that is things that you’ve done separately. Now you integrate them together, you’ve isolated those moves, you integrate them together, and then you innovate as you need to because of the reactionary ability that you’ve gained. To have control. Second handers? Subconsciously, right. 

Muscle memory is what we would call it, but realistically, it’s understanding movement and just breaking it down into isolated movements or positions, or patterns. And then you’re taking those patterns and positions and you integrate them together. And then you are able to innovate in the moment on top of those. 


So I'm going to give you some examples. Watch the next video.