Exercise and Movement – The Concept of 3 I’s -Isolate, Integrate, and Innovate

You can ISOLATE any nerve, muscle, joint, muscle group and region of the body or the whole body into any POSITION… Mastering each one then allows you to INTEGRATE them, perhaps now you master multiple body POSITIONS to make a PATTERN or a “FLOW”

This then allows you to INNOVATE and put together POSITIONS, PATTERNS, movements and flows much like a freestyle rapper puts together a verse I say all of that to say this, their is a logical progression to everything and you must FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS, only then can you master each phase of the end goal and EXPRESS PHYSICAL FREEDOM.

So another really awesome concept is the 3I’s. Now the 3I’s are isolate integrate and innovate. Now, I stole those from Ido Portal. If you know Ido Portal, It’s all about human movement and the ability to have control over every single joint muscle in your body. And you isolate each joint, each position that you might find yourself and you isolate every muscle, then you can integrate them together to make a movement to have multiple patterns that flow together. And ultimately, you perform all of those positions and patterns.

So well together, that you can now innovate in the innovation part part is just like the idea of being on the basketball court and being able to read the defense and go between the legs behind the back your step sake, the past finished with the left right all of that is things that you’ve done separately. Now you integrate them together, you’ve isolated those moves, you integrate them together, and then you innovate as you need to because of the reactionary ability that you’ve gained. To have control. Second handers? Subconsciously, right. 

Muscle memory is what we would call it, but realistically, it’s understanding movement and just breaking it down into isolated movements or positions, or patterns. And then you’re taking those patterns and positions and you integrate them together. And then you are able to innovate in the moment on top of those. 


So I'm going to give you some examples. Watch the next video.

Two Mini-band Walk Exercises – Superior for Targeting Glutes

In the pursuit of a well-rounded and effective fitness routine, incorporating versatile tools like mini-bands can take your workout to the next level. These small but mighty resistance bands offer a range of benefits, from improving strength and stability to enhancing flexibility. In this write-up, we explore the world of mini-band exercises and how they can become a valuable asset in your fitness arsenal.

Another shoulder workout video, Give it a shot before your next upper body workout or add it in wherever you see fit 💪🏼

Here are two exercises that I think are superior for targeting the glutes, other than just your typical lateral walk with the minibands around the legs. So if you haven’t already watched that video, I highly suggest you do still.

 Here are two more superior ones or moves that I think are better. This first one is called the fire hydrant because it looks like a dog taking a pee. So the main thing that you have to watch out for there is the opposite arm, people will tend to let that shoulder and that elbow given I always tell people keep the elbow straight and keep the upper body pressed into the floor as you do so you’ll feel a lot more actual contraction within the glute. 

By doing it that makes a secondary to that is your monster walk. So the monster Walk is a zigzag version of the lateral band law.

The same rules applies from first video, you got to keep your body low. You got to keep your weight on the outsides of your feet. And you gotta step only as far as you can keep your knees over the tops of the ankles so that we know we’re staying aligned. We’re actually targeting the glutes. Now I suggest you do those before your leg days after your leg days for a metabolic burn or even intertwine them within a circuit of other leg exercises. Let me know what you think.



Watch the full miniband walk exercise on this link

Limitless Fitness: Load vs Resistance

Another topic that falls within the realm of positions patterns and performance is the concept of load versus resistance.

Now, what do I mean? Something that is considered load is an external weight, something, some sort of piece of equipment or natural thing out there in the world like a rock or a boulder. Right. a bale of hay that is considered a load, it’s something that you are loading your body with, you’re holding it externally is creating more pressure internally in the core, but also amongst compression of the joints, right? It could also be something like this weakest.

What that typically does over time is compressed the joints. Now if I were to do a pull up with this weight vest on technically, that’s a decompression exercise. So that’s a little nuance, but this is still an external load the other option is resistance. Right? So resistance is coming from, whoa, make sure you attach a resistance band and something that can really hold them steady. Alright, so resistance is something that’s creating resistance against your movement. pattern or with your movement pattern.

resistance usually mimics the muscles because we have these fibers, none of which really are straight and narrow, but all rotational in some sort or diagonal. And when the muscle gets longer, it’s at a higher chance of injury. Just like a rubber band, the longer it is, the more likely it is to snap. So when you use resistance, you are mimicking your muscles ability to withstand or adapt to a constant changing pressure and tension. So that’s why it’s important. Give me one more second to be able to understand when you do a resistance chest press and as I press further and further away, this actually becomes harder to push, because it’s getting longer. All right.

There’s a lot to be learned through understanding if you are training with load, or you are training with resistance, and there’s a lot of years to be saved on your joints. If you train a little bit more with resistance, or just add a little bit more resistance in to your training. Not always using iron and heavy things. To do all your resistance we mean that that creates that bone density, avoids osteoporosis, all of those things, but it’s really beneficial for your joints. And your muscles to understand their intention with resistance training. So make sure to add it in. If you have more questions, let me know what you think.


As we conclude this insightful blog post, we hope you found valuable information and practical tips to enhance your fitness journey. If you enjoyed diving into these topics with us, you're in for a treat! We're excited to announce that we've taken the conversation to the next level with our podcast.

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Movement Efficiency: The Concept of 3P’s Position, Pattern, and Perfomance

Hey what’s up y’all? So, I wanted to talk on the topic of movement efficiency. What are we training for my practical approach to training all of the time with my clients is movement efficiency.

Being able to manage pressure, manage weight resistance load, through positions on patterns, the most efficiency efficiently with the most optimum ability to perform that over a long period of time.

It’s great to train for a one rep max, but we live life 24/7 You got to train for movement efficiency, because movement efficiency is strength.   You can’t have one without the other Even if you efficiently train one movement to be as strong as you can. That’s only one position. or if you watch my next video, you’ll understand what I mean by positions, pattern and performance. The ability to move from one position to another is a pattern more efficiently perform those, the better off you are.

ICE Bath Plunge in your Home with The Ice Pod

Why the “tech” of cryotherapy does not compare to ice baths! This is not to say one is harder than the other but what are the overall benefits!

To the naked eye the cryo-therapy would seem better (because its roughly -200 degrees inside), easier and less messy but.... You have to have access to a facility with those machines and you have to be able to afford that service regularly.
ice bath
Plunge in your Ice Pod today!

The added benefits of ICE BATHS!

1. Ease of Access
2. Improved Blood Flow Due To Water Pressure
3. Increased Vagus Nerve Stimulation

They both will help with one’s ability to deal with anxiety, inflammation, muscle recovery, sleep and cold shock protein production.

I just bought “The ICE POD” for under $200 and I couldn’t be more excited because I was just buying bags and bags of ice to fill up the bath tub at my place and it was never ideal.


Long story short!
Ice Baths are like a metaphor for life, your ability to stay calm in tough and uncomfortable situations makes all the small things that much easier.


My Favorite Bicep Exercise

I'm going to show you my favorite bicep exercise to get some guns like this. I'm just kidding.

So, here's what I do, You need three things: a carabiner a curl bar and a half inch thick superband.

So I'm going to clip a carabiner around the resistance band like so. And now I have two things and polls. Those are going to go on either foot. And now, instead of your traditional barbell curl, you get nonstop resistance.

You get increasing tension as you cross that 90 degree mark, as opposed to the opposite when you go back because once your hands go above this roughly 75 degree angle, the gravity of the bar starts to just sit atop of your elbows, right.
It feels great, constant burn and the burn goes better and even better.

Watch the full video on my instagram to learn the step by step on how to do this exercise.

DFoss: Must Have Home Gym Workout Equipment

So this is great because it functions as a dumbbell kettlebell, a parallel and a medicine ball. I'll show you what I mean.

So like a dumbbell, you can grab in the middle and be able to have all of the weight perfectly surrounding your wrist.
Or you can use like a kettlebell because you can grab any one of the outside holders and do all of your kettlebell flow movements. Or any kettlebell strength movement doesn't matter.
You can use it like a medicine ball because you can grab multiple handles at once. And you can do tons of moves there.
And then lastly, you can use it like a parallel because you can do push ups on the ground with them.

I love them personally. They're a great addition to the home gym. They're a great way to save space and save money. They are a little pricey, but their domain with a great new print material. They go all the way up to I believe 44 pounds all the way down to two. So check out the why bells. I think it's Go check them out if you're looking to add a nice, clean, high, high quality piece of equipment to your new home gym.

Check them out. Let me know what you think.

DFoss: 3 Favorite Low-Impact Cardio Exercises

What’s good y’all DFoss here I wanted to share with you some of my key tricks to improving my cardiovascular health without the high impact stress of things like running….

So I just finished a two and a half mile rollerblading session with my 20 pound pack on, which is key tip number one. If you’re doing anything on land, you add some extra weight and farmer’s carries you add a pack that will automatically increase cardiovascular output.

But my three favorite forms of low impact cardiovascular training are going to be number one rollerblading, that’s my favorite.

 I love to be out in the sun. I love to be out in the streets and go wherever I want.

Number two is swimming. I love to be underwater. You can’t have a pack on but you can practice long breath diving, which is huge.

And number three would be the bike. No real benefit to adding the pack but bike is a great way to get that lower body moving without the impact.

Watch the full video!

The Best Barefoot Shoes for you, through Limitless Theory


What’s up Y’all  DFOSS here. I gave it away. We are collaborating the Xero shoes. I’m super excited. Xero Shoes have been a huge part of my life recently. 

I fell in love with these HFS Lightweight Running shoes. Although I don’t really run it and I wear them every day to work out. I wear them to work, right as you know, this is what I do. These are the pre OHS.

To get to know more, watch this video!

“This is like wearing a sock. It’s amazing. I am a vivo barefoot movement coach and the benefits of barefoot shoes and being barefoot learning to work out and have strong feet. Strong ankles is mind boggling.” – Dillan Foss

To get the latest content from the Limitless Theory, follow me on my social media platforms to keep you posted and updated!

The Benefits of Personal Training

During exercise, our brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, are released, naturally reducing stress. The data is indisputable — people who are physically fit and exercise regularly have lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression and make fewer visits to the doctor. People who exercise also improve their ability to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. How you perceive your body impacts how you feel about yourself overall. It may sound odd, but if you spend the energy to workout, you will have more energy as a result. Speaking of energy, the best personal trainer will help you use food as fuel to have better workouts, better muscle strength, better functional strength, and that trim and toned body you are hoping for. All in all, taking the initiative of investing in personal training is probably one of the most valuable health decisions you will make. You can use time to make money, but you can’t use money to buy more time! That’s why having someone to hold you accountable, tell you what to do, improve the state of current injuries and reduce the chance of new ones will save you time from learning yourself, time from missing work and money from future health expenses that come as a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Now with that being said put your trust, future and money in the hands of a certified fitness professional who understands how to craft a holistic and effective plan for you – whether you want to workout at home, a park or a fitness facility. Learn more at thelimitlesstheory.com/fitness

  1. Accountability and Motivation
  2. Fresh and Up To Date Perspectives on Fitness and Nutrition
  3. Efficiently Timed Workouts
  4. Personalized Programming of Exercises for Your Specific Needs
  5. Reduce Risk of Injury with Proper Form Coaching
  6. Achieving Planned Benchmarks and Monitoring Results
  7. Have Fun Exercising
  8. Receive Effective Nutritional/Lifestyle Tips 
  9. More Rapid Results